Hair loss in women has become an alarming problem owing to today’s lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits. On an average a person can lose up to 100 hairs per day. The lost hair is replaced by a new hair from the same hair root.


It is necessary to recognize the symptoms of baldness and follow the cure before the loss becomes irreversible .The various symptoms are listed below

Thinning of hair.
Round smooth hairless patches on the scalp.
Premature graying of hair.
Decrease in density of hair.
Excessive hair fall (more than 200-300 hair per day).

Many factors attribute to baldness in females. Some of the major causes are listed below.

AGE-Hair fall increases with age. As the age increases there is change in the hormonal level which in turn triggers hair fall in women.
MENOPAUSE-Menopause which is normally attained by women around the age of 40 also causes hair loss.
PRESCRIPTION DRUGS –Some prescription drugs can cause heavy hair loss which is mostly reversible. Chemotherapy which is given to cancer patients causes hair to fall vigorously .But eventually the hair grows back.
DIETING-Hair loss in women can occur due to dieting during which protein intake is reduced .Protein plays a vital role in hair heath. Insufficient amount of protein in the body is one of the major causes of hair fall.
STRESS-In today’s lifestyle nearly each one of us goes through physical as well as emotional stress. This also attributes to hair fall.
ENVIORMENTAL FACTORS- Pollution which causes the toxins to be present in the air which we inhale also leads to hair damage and fall to some extent.
HAIR ABUSE-Excessive use of chemicals present in harsh shampoos and conditioners as well as other hair styling products should be avoided .Use of hair dryer, heat straighteners cause the roots to become weak.
DEFICIENCY OF VITAMINS-Lack of vitamins such as vitamin A, B1, B12, C and folic acid cause hair to fall. Toxicity as well as deficiency of vitamins can result in baldness.
ALOPECIA-It is a medical condition in which bunches of hair come out suddenly leaving smooth round patches on the scalp.


HENNA – Make a paste of henna leaves along with shikakai and amla powder .Let it soak in water overnight. Apply the paste to your scalp .Leave for an hour, wash with water.
FENUGREEK(METHI)-Applying a paste of fenugreek seeds along with onion juice can strengthen hair roots
OLIVE OIL-Take equal parts of olive, almond and castor oil, rub on to your scalp giving a massage. It will help improving blood circulation thus enhancing hair growth.
EGG-Take egg yolk (yellow part), add some yogurt and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply it on to your scalp and hair. This gives a healthy shine to your hair.
COCONUT MILK-Fresh coconut milk if applied to hair roots can work wonders in preventing hair fall.
WATER-Drinking plenty of water flushes the toxins out of your body thus promoting good heath of hair.
HEALTHY DIET-Proper and right intake of proteins and vitamins is very essential for healthy scalp. Foods rich in protein like lentils, green leafy vegetables, soy bean and egg should be taken.
CLEANLINESS- Finally, cleanliness is the key to good health and being. Keep your scalp clean from dandruff and dirt by washing it at least twice a week with a mild shampoo. 


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