Fever Blister

What is Fever Blister?

 Fever Blister (Cold Sores) is a skin condition which is caused by Herpes Simplex Virus. They usually form in edge of the lips or skin around the lips. In certain cases this virus may causes infections in other areas like the genitals, buttocks and anal area. Fever Blisters are painful and intensity varies person to person. They are more painful when they happen to rupture which is more contagious at this stage.

Causes of Fever Blister

There are two types of Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV). Type1 & Type 2. Usually HSV type 1 virus affect right after fever and any other illness. HSV Type 2 virus affects genital areas more.

Since it is a highly contagious virus this can be spread easily by kissing and even rubbing or touching the fever blisters and touching others without washing the hands.

HSV type 2 spread through oral-genital sexual contact with an infected person can also result in cold sores.

Remedies for Fever Blister

As there is no vaccine or cure for the fever blister but it can be treated with an Antiviral medication. However this medication will not get rid of  the virus from the body but it helps in reducing the itchiness, pain and also reduces the healing time. The other way to get rid of this virus is to wait and also keeping the affected area moist to prevent from cracking and also by taking bland diet to reduce burning sensation. Frequent hand washing will reduce the spread of the virus to other parts of the body. Also avoid the usage of cosmetics as this may worsen the sore since many of the cosmetics contain chemicals.

Exposure to sunlight may increase the intensity of the sore, it advisable to use sunscreen lotion over lips. There are many over the counter medications which will decrease the healing time. The commonly used products are Lipactin gel and Zilactin. Anti-inflammatory steroid mouth rinses can be used to treat severe sores. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should get the advice from their physician prior to taking any medication.

Home remedies for Fever blisters

Aloe Vera gel can be applied to the infected area since aloe has a healing quality.
Vaseline, spirit of camphor can also be used to treat cold sores.
Apply a warm tea bag on the blister for few minutes, repeat this every hour.
Raw onion can be applied on the sore.
Also avoid processed food and eat only fresh food with high anti-oxidant.
Antiviral herbal extracts like lemon Balm, Tea Tree oil can also be applied.
Cornstarch paste can also be applied on the sore.
Mint extract will also speed up the healing process.

Prevention for Fever Blisters:

Avoid sharing of cups, razors and towels of the infected person.
Also avoid oral sex with the person with active sore.
Avoid skin to skin contact with the active fever blister person.
Prolonged exposure to the sun should be avoided and sunscreen lotion can be used.
Eat food that contains lysine such soy, milk, potatoes, eggs and chicken.
Use a new toothbrush after an outbreak.


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