Erectile Dysfunction Causes – What Should We Know?

Erectile Dysfunction Causes —

 Erectile dysfunction, formerly called impotence, is the inability to obtain an erection sufficient for satisfactory of sexual activity.  This is more common in males over 65th, however may occur at any age. In the older man, erectile dysfunction causes normally came from a physical cause, like illness, injury, or drug side effects.

In this article I would like to share more details about erectile dysfunction causes that commonly categorized in two causes, physical and psychological cause. Besides, there are another erectile dysfunction causes you’ll find in this article.

Physical Erectile Dysfunction Causes

Drugs — drugs are common erectile dysfunction causes, eg sedatives, antihypertensive (high blood pressure drugs), diuretic (drugs that enhance of urine expenditure), antidepressant (sedatives), body weight lowering medications, gastritis drugs, alcohols, the nicotine, and opiate.

Impaired blood flow — 

impaired blood flow might become erectile dysfunction causes. Disease that can reduce blood flow to the penis include hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure, diabetes, or Peyronie disease (scarring in the penis)

Neurological disorders — 

neurogical disorders can cause erectile problems, a state that can reduce or inhibit electrical nerve to the penis include diabetes, stroke, spinal cord injury, pelvic area surgery, and alcohol addiction.

Hormonal disorders — 

hormonal disorders also might become one of erectile dysfunction causes. Circumstances that can disrupt the body’s balance of hormones include testicular dysfunction (impaired function of testicles), kidney disease, liver, and alcohol addiction.

Psychological Erectile Dysfunction Causes

Psychological erectile dysfunction causes clinically referred to psychogenic erectile dysfunction, including thoughts, feelings, and the type of interaction we have in our sexual relationship.

Depression — 

may reduce energy and reduce sexual ability. He was not able to obtain an erection and this will aggravate the state of depression.

Stress — 

Stress caused by work, relationships, or financial problems can cause erectile problems. The harder a man’s attempt to get an erection when he is experiencing tension, the worse the results achieved as well. Stress causes impotence, and vice versa.


Anxiety can be experienced by most of the men at any given time. But if there is continuous, then this can cause impotence. Fear of failure will cause tension. This will prevent the occurrence of an erection, which eventually will raise the fear of failure.

Misinformation about sex — it can cause stress, tension.

Other Erectile Dysfunction Causes

Other erectile dysfunction causes such as injuries, illness, and diseases. Historically, only recently that the treatment or any home remedies for erectile dysfunction has begun to document the physical condition of many sexual impact. Although there are some conditions we have long been known about erectile dysfunction causes, every year the researcher learn about the new physical conditions that contribute to sexual dysfunction.

Some common and well-known include: diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, multiple sclerosis, parkinson’s disease, spinal cord injuries, conditions that affect thyroid function and/or interrupt hormones in the body, injuries to the groin (recent research also points to consistent but mild trauma related to cycling as a new erectile dysfunction causes.


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