Cough is a common ailment encountered by most of us along with flu and cold .It is a sudden involuntary release of air from the lungs. A sudden contraction of the thoracic cavity which results in the release of air accompanied by a loud sound and phlegm or mucus .It causes discomfort and at times trouble in breathing. Sometimes cough results due to the passing of food in the windpipe instead of food pipe .It can result in choking and can cause death.

There are two types of coughs .Dry cough and Cough accompanied by sputum .If the cough is caused by bacteria, the sputum may be green, gray or brown in color .If the sputum is white in color, it is caused by viral infection .If the sputum contains blood, it can be a very serious condition related to cancer .A doctor should be contacted immediately.


Some of the factors which result in coughing are listed below

1) Environmental Pollution –Pollution in the air such as dust, smoke and smog can trigger cough.

2) Cigarette Smoking – Nicotine present in the cigarettes paralyzes the hair inside the nose which is thereby unable to perform the function of filtering out mucus. So, the mucus builds up in the respiratory tract causing cough.

3) Diseases like asthma or chronic bronchitis can cause coughing troubles.

4)Blockage of the respiratory track causes cough .If some mucus or phlegm is obstructing the respiratory passage then coughing occurs, which throws out the unwanted sputum or mucus out thus clearing the cavity.


One should always be very attentive to watch the symptoms of the cough.

DRY COUGH –If there is no secretion of mucus or sputum then it may be caused by bronchitis or asthma.
WET OR PRODUCTIVE COUGH –If the cough is accompanied by secretion of sputum or phlegm ,it may be caused by cold or flu
PAINFUL COUGH-This may be caused by pneumonia or enlarged tonsils. A doctor should be contacted immediately


One tablespoon of honey taken with a pinch of crushed white pepper 2-3 times a day is helpful in cough.
Drinking tea made with raw crushed ginger helps in reducing cough. Eating raw ginger is helpful as well.
Take one cup of orange juice, add 2 tablespoon of honey to it .Drinking this concoction is a good remedy.
Gargling with lukewarm water, a pinch of salt added to it, helps to remove phlegm from the respiratory tracks.
Taking 2-3 leaves of crushed basil along with a tablespoon of honey can help.
Coughing is infectious. It can infect people around you. So, proper care should be taken to control it .Foods like curd, lemon should be avoided .Good hygiene should be maintained. Sneeze on your handkerchief or on your arm .Wash your hands frequently to prevent infection from spreading to others .chilled drinks and food should be avoided.


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