Stress Effects on Health

Understanding Stress and its Effects on Health

Stress is one of the most inseparable parts of modern life. Stress is essential to an extent for us to perform in our activities with a minimum level of motivation and alertness. However, the modern man is being compelled everyday to be a victim of the daily stressors leading to chronic stress which eventually leads to a number of physiological problems as well as mental distress.

Chronic Stress

Chronic stress occurs due to various reasons especially due to the daily hassles we go through everyday. Our body has been equipped with an immune system to fight against diseases and infections. However, chronic stress impairs the immune system and also creates multiple negative effects on our health system thereby making us prone to a number of diseases.

Physiologically our body creates a fight or flight response when we face acute stress in the form of sudden terror, life risk, trauma etc. This reaction triggers a number of hormones like adrenalin, cortical and also making energy available to the body by making the heart beat faster and releasing sugar. But when we are faced with daily hassles and stressors like work pressure, family demands, commuting to and fro we exhaust our physiological power to fight with stress thereby the immune system gets hampered and frequent pressure on the system gives rise to various diseases like cardiac problems, hypertension and may be even cancer.

Dealing with stress

Stress being an inseparable part of our life needs to be handled through us by employing proper methods. We can’t take away stress from our lives but we can follow good stress management techniques to reduce the ill effects of stress. This can be done by a little awareness and efforts on our part. Following a healthy lifestyle and taking balanced diet reduces the effects of stress to a considerable extent. Giving up bad habits like alcoholism, drug abuse and resorting to healthy habits like regular exercise, yoga and meditation can make you both physically and mentally fortified against the ill effects of stress.


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