Sore Throat is a common problem encountered by most of us off and on. The throat becomes swollen and tender and we have difficulty in swallowing.


The various symptoms of sore throat are

Swollen neck glands
Dry throat
Pain in neck
Cough accompanied by running nose
If these symptoms exist for more than 2-3 days, consult a doctor immediately.


Sore throat is caused by the inflammation of pharynx (a tube that connects the mouth and the food pipe).Sore throat is caused by two kinds of infection

VIRAL INFECTION: This is caused by cold and flu, which is accompanied by high temperature, muscle pain and running nose .Sore throat caused by viral infection gets cured on its own within a few days

BACTERIAL INFECTION: This kind of infection is caused by streptococcal bacteria, from which we get the name Strep Throat .The symptoms of this kind of infection are same as that of viral infection but more severe and long lasting .It is best cured by giving antibiotics.

Other than the above two major causes there are other common causes of sore throat .Some of them are listed below.

Excessive smoking
Allergies (dust or food )
Dry air (during night time sleeping with open mouth causes the throat to dry )
Throat abuse(screaming, shouting ,speaking in high pitch)
Throat cancer

The common home remedies to soothe a sore throat are

Clear nasal passage -If the nasal passage is not clear, the person is bound to sleep with open mouth, which causes the throat to dry up resulting in sore throat. To keep nasal passage clear use saline nasal spray. A humidifier can also be used during the night.
Gargle-Gargling with hot water with a pinch of salt added to it, helps relieves the throat pain .Pinch of turmeric can also be added for its antibiotic properties.
Intake of hot fluids-Hot fluids like tea and soup should be taken. As they are easy to swallow, it helps in providing relief and the warm fluids provide benefit similar to applying hot pack to swollen skin.
Hard candy-Sucking lozenges or hard candy can soothe the sore throat and ease pain to a great extent
Drink water-Drink as much water as possible. The body is constantly in need of fluids. Water taken should not be cold ,try drinking lukewarm water
Rest-Last and the  most important thing to do is to give your throat proper rest .Speak less in low pitched tone so that your throat is less stressed.


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