Household Remedies — How To Get Rid Of Bugs

Household Remedies for Bugs

 — It is not uncommon for household bugs to invade your home anywhere and anytime if you are not alert about them. These creepy and unhealthy creatures can get anywhere putting you in problems in terms of health, especially if you have children at home.

Sometime the kids are allergic to any types of household bugs. It is therefore imperative that you should frequently go through the house to determine whether there has been any invasion of household bugs. This is a must in order to keep your home clean and the family members free from any discomfort.

Household Remedies For Bugs

When you are trying to do household remedies for bugs from your home, you need to first determine the type of bugs that have infested your house and identify them correctly. This is because when you are out to eliminate household bugs you have to use the correct measures; because one measure will not work on another. You have to be specific when you deal with specific types of bugs. Here are a few types of bugs and how to deal with them for bugs household remedies.


— Cockroaches have been known to exist since the dawn of civilization and it has not been possible to eradicate them. These are a menace in the house spoiling food, clothes and bedding. They are also known to spread diseases as they are good carriers of microbes. The product that works against them is boric acid.

You need to mix two parts of boric acid powder and flour along with half a part of powdered sugar. Convert this mixture into dough form and make them into small balls and place them at places frequented by cockroaches.

Don’t forget to spread some balls in nooks and corners and dark places. The flour and the sugar will attract the cockroaches and once they consume this they are sure to die. If you have kids at home during this household remedies for this bug, ensure that they do not get their hands to the acid balls.

Household Remedies for Ants 

— Ant is another menace that is common to most homes. You can often see trails of red ants going in several directions, especially to places where you have stored your food items. The ants have the uncanny ability to get into cans even with the tightest lids; therefore it is hard to keep them off stored food items.

Moreover when they get on your body there is this nasty feeling of crawling accompanied by biting which too is painful.  To do household remedies for ants you need to mix borax with sugar and leave it at places under attack of the ants. Once the ants consume this, they are going to die of suffocation.

Boric acid can also be used on ants. Mix boric acid with sugar and scatter them near their trails. Ants are bound to be attracted by the sugar and when they do the boric acid is going to do its job.

Moths Household Remedies 

— Moths are butterfly like without the colors. Moths invade homes that are located in places surrounded by lots of trees and shrubs.  Moths’ causes damage to food, clothes and the garden, if you have one. To keep them away you can household remedies using lavender oil. Douse pieces of cloth with lavender oil and place them at strategic place from where they make their entry, especially the windows. Mint leaves, thyme and cloves are also known to drive back moths.

Carpet Beetles Household Remedies

 — Carpet beetles do not only damage food and clothing but are also known to cause a number of allergies and spread disease like anthrax. Boric acid is again is the savior from this menace. Use boric acid to dust your carpet and wash the fabric with hot soapy water because the eggs of carpet beetles are not easily destroyed with boric acid.

Controlling household bugs at home is not so difficult a proposition if you know how to deal with them. If your home is infested with bugs, first of all identify them and do household remedies for them as best as you can, otherwise you can seek help from pest control department immediately. Household remedies for bugs by catching them at the initial stage will help to prevent the bugs from spreading throughout the house.


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