5 Tips You Can Use As Acid Reflux Remedies

Acid Reflux Remedies –

 Acid reflux remedies can be simple if you start treating when you have acid reflux symptoms in the initial stage itself. If you ignore it, in the long run it can cause serious damage to your esophagus by eroding its fragile lining. You will thereafter have problem in swallowing due to the scarred tissue.

The symptoms of acid reflux can be mistaken for heartburn or Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD), reflux and stomach acid also. However the actual indications of acid reflux can also have wheezing, bitter taste, chest pain, breathing problem, halitosis, dry coughing and stress.

Acid Reflux Remedies

These five natural acid reflux remedies can be used in controlling acid reflux:

» Apple Cider Vinegar For Acid Reflux Remedies

apple cider vinegarThis is a natural product and can be found in most homes. Apple cider vinegar works instantaneously and is considered an incredible remedy for acid reflux. You will get instant relief from the symptoms using it. All you have to do is mix a teaspoon of vinegar to half a glass of water. Taking it either before dinner or during dinner will be the best.

» Consuming Fresh Fruits To Prevent Acid Reflux

fresh fruitsFresh fruit in your diet is an effective natural way of preventing acid reflux. You can have fruits like apples, pineapples, almonds, bananas, fig, and nuts daily. Vegetables that you consume should include cabbages and carrot, which are helpful in strengthening your digestive system which can control acid reflux.

» Aloe Vera Juice

aloe vera juiceAloe vera is a well known plant that has been used as a natural remedy for a number of ailments for centuries. The property of the plant has a soothing effect on any ailment, especially where inflammation is involved. Hence when used for acid reflux it soothes the damaged esophagus. Drinking a quarter cup juice of Aloe Vera can make the difference. You can be rest assured that there will be no negative effect of the treatment. However, when you buy the juice of aloe vera you need to be alert about the quality of the product.

» Juice Fresh Ginger Root For Other Natural Acid Reflux Remedies

ginger rootGinger root has the ability to assimilate the stomach acid and sedate the nervous system which is essential for acid reflux condition. The best will be to purchase fresh ginger root and juice it. Mix ten to fifteen drops of the ginger juice to half a glass of water and drink it. You can buy ginger root powder and mix half a teaspoon in half a glass of water to have it. Here the strength of the solution will depend on you and how effective it is.

Therefore you can start by adding ginger in small amount and increase it if necessary. Through trial and error method you will be able to determine the right proportion that will suit you the best. Ginger capsules are also available which you can have immediately after dinner for acid reflux remedies.

» Bed Wedge As Acid Reflux Remedies

bed wedgeBed wedge is not something that you need to consume. It is to be used on the physical plane. People who suffer from acid reflux can get relief from the ailment if they sleep in a certain way. Here the sufferer has to sleep or lie down with the upper body elevated at certain angle. To achieve this bed wedge pillows are used. Such pillows are now available that have been particularly designed for such patients.

Bed wedges with different size and designs have been made keeping the comfort of the patient in mind. Sometimes improper method of sleeping can trigger some kind of digestive ailments; therefore proper sleeping posture is also necessary. Having bed wedges as acid reflux remedies, you can achieve proper sleeping postures which can bring relief from acid reflux.

Acid reflux is an ailment which most of us ignore and try to suppress the symptoms using all kinds of over-the-counter products. If the ailment is not cured in time it can lead to serious digestive disorders. Take a natural acid reflux remedies for treating the ailment is the best option as there will be no side effects when you use these alternative methods of treatment.


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